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Vol. 2, Issue #16 August 31st - September 13th, 2007
13 Questions from The End 1. Where are you from?
2. How/when and why did you come to OKC? Ok, I lied. I originally moved to OKC when I was in the sixth grade due to the oil boom (circa 1981?), which shortly came to an end not long after my arrival…I am sure I had nothing to do with that. We then moved back to Mississippi where my dad worked off shore until that played out and my mom got a better job offer back in Oklahoma. Upon our return we settled in the quaint little town of Purcell where I later graduated high school. 3. What brought you into the hair industry? Why? That is a very long drawn out story, but I will attempt to be brief for the sake of time and space. I graduated high school in 1988 from Purcell High School; I felt I was destined to be a computer engineer. I thought engineer meant that I could create and develop video gaming software, much to my surprise that is not exactly what they had in mind. I fiddled around trying to find myself academically then frustrated quit the great University of Oklahoma. I then got a very tiring and meaningless job in the warehouse industry and worked at that for about a year, and quickly grew tired of that as I was always working is sub zero temperatures and on the night shift. I was working with a friend of mine at the time at this job he knew I was tired of and asked if I had ever thought of the hair industry. Me being an incredibly macho, mullet wearing warehouse guy, I said of course not. And he said listen to me, you are free to wear the clothes you wish, the type of hair you wish, and above all there are tons of girls. So me being a 19 year old super macho, mullet wearing warehouse guy, I leapt at the opportunity. 4. When did you open The End Salon? I opened The End Salon in September of 1999. I feel it important to include this I opened it with 1 shampoo chair, $200.00 in a savings account, and 90 days free rent. I did all the renovations myself (with the help from several of my friends), every thing was done bottom dollar and very simply. One chair, one shampoo bowl, and me. It has since evolved into something I am very proud of today, and not so simple.
When I picked my location I wanted something close to where I currently worked so as to not inconvenience my clients, since I was truly going on my own I was going to need everyone’s help. I wanted someplace small, one guy doesn’t need a lot of space, and I needed someplace cheap. I chose NW OKC because at that point I had worked on this side of town for about 7 years. 6. How would you describe your salon/atmosphere? That is not a very easy question to answer. At this time in my life I have had so many influences and nuances that have been smashed together, blended up, and reformed its hard to say. If I had to say something it would be that it has an atmosphere that you feel very free to express yourself in. Where all people no matter what their job/lifestyle is they feel comfortable, yet it might appear at first glance to not be so. 7. What makes it/you different? Wow, that’s like asking the Great Wall of China which brick makes it big. My shop is different in that it is a place filled with pretend, yet it is in no way pretentious. It does not pretend to not like appropriately nude green women, nor does it pretend to not like art, movies, and rock and roll. While at the same time not pretending to be the authority on any of it, just a huge fan. I would say that in short we/I unapologetically like what we like. 8. What inspired you to go out on you own? Anything you would do different? My greatest inspiration to open up a hair salon would have to be that I was so tired of working in hair salons. I moved out on my own and wanted to work in a place that in no was resembled a hair salon that you might see in Oklahoma City. I was also greatly influenced by another individual who lovingly goes by the name of “Big Daddy” Trey Benham, whom I met through my very good friend Adrian Wright who both are from the great state of Kentucky. Trey owns Big Daddies Tattoos which got started slightly before The End Salon and was done in much the same way I got started, with a little cash, a lot of help and a little luck. I may choose a different name for the salon, but it seems to be working now a lot better than it ever has in the past.
I currently have two stylists that work with me, Teri Brecheen and Reaghan Wachtstetter. I would eventually like to have a total of five. 10. What is your connection with Adrian and his artwork? I have known Adrian for about 10 years. I met him while I briefly lived in Louisville Kentucky. I was there working for another hair company and he worked with me during my stay there. During that time I saw that he painted, and thought his work, though very simple was very good. He is currently working at Big Daddies Tattoos with his childhood friend Trey. More than anything I liked that Adrian painted things that I was into, somthings I was not into and some things that I thought were odd. Later I thought his eventual blending of Pugs and classic horror icons to be quite ingenious. 11. Is this your first “art show” at the salon? Yes this is my first art show at the salon, though it is not my first art show to be involved with. I have promoted his last two art shows in OKC which were held at the Velvet Monkey Too and I helped in an advisory capacity on several other art shows of his. 12. Do you plan on many more shows? If so, how often? I wouldn’t mind doing other shows in the future, but currently don’t have any dates in mind. But yes I think it would be very cool to bring an art crowd to the West end of the NW metro. 13. Any plans for another The End Salon? There are always plans for the future, and of one thing you can be certain, The End will be there. |
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©2007 NONCO Media, L.L.C.