Issue #19 Oct. 13th - Oct. 26th, 2006
Celebrating the Soul -- Spirit Flight Art Show
By: Robert Cole
Since a recent surge in the Oklahoma arts, shows like Momentum and Biting the Apple have encouraged Oklahoma artists to work together more and more, in all mediums, to create a more cohesive creative movement throughout the state. This month another event is heading our way that cannot be missed. Today, on Friday the 13th, the IAO committee and a slew of talents will conduct Spirit Flight, a revived art show with a carnival-like kick. The entertainment will include musical performances by local bands All Organic Combo, Ambassador Bill, Cosmic Seed, Ghosts of Monkshood and The Snakeshakers. Troy Scott will provide magic for the visitors. There will be sculptures, paintings and videos set to an elastic cultural theme that actively narrates the human being’s spiritual growth. Expect a celebration of life, death and everything in between. Be prepared to see various pieces by local painters Chad Mount, Albert Riddle and Deborah Riddle. Jason and Nicole Moan will contribute sculpture to the atmosphere. Patrick Riley will be providing masks for the event, further adding to the fun and ethereal quality at the event. Spirit Flight is a show that gives creative minds all over the chance to be seen, heard and appreciated.
“It’s an interesting blend of east and west- what I would call old theatre.” Sky Camfield said, video director for the IAO board and curator of Spirit Flight. “We use cross cultural mythology.”
The show intends to conjure up the subconscious and provide a diverse audience with a wide range of images. Video projections provided by Chad Mount and Adrian Falwell will accent the art and music throughout the evenings. Expect a vaudeville experience fit with stilts, mimes and colorful dancers. Early Europe, folklore and dark eyed gypsies may come to mind at the show, creating an attractive antique quality for the Spirit Flight visitors.
Candles and low lights will cradle the aesthetic experience. The works of art are completely open to interpretation and will create numerous images to enjoy. Considering the talent roster, it can be assured that there will be an inspiration for anyone and everyone involved.
“I wanted to figure out new ways in which a variety of artists could get together.” Camfield said, “I wanted to show at what extent it was possible to get different artists to go in one direction.”
Spirit Flight will be a night well spent. If you are looking for an idea invoking experience to make your Friday the 13th something a little less ordinary, there’s no where else to look. If tonight’s show is on too short a notice, there will be two more opportunities on October 28th at 6:00 and 8:00 PM. For more information visit the web at Put your oldest shoes on and head out to the show; you’ll be glad you did. I’ll see you there!
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