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Vol. 3, Issue #4 February 22nd - March 6th, 2008
On NONcast: An Interview with Locust Avenue
We did an interview with Locust Avenue for NONcast, which will also feature music from the past CDs, as well as tracks from their newest one, Three O’Clock Target. Be sure and listen in at 1pm this Friday, the 22nd, or starting Saturday, you can download the mp3 at TOGiNET.com. The following snippet from our NONcast interview with Locust Avenue will explain the hold up on the release show and shed light on some changes in the band’s roster:
BP: I got into a play fight that turned not so playful, with a neighbor much bigger than me. So, I sprained my right wrist and had a broken rib, because he was tossing me all over my living room, and I kept getting up for more, thinking I could take it. AF: Too much UFC. BP: A week later, I was driving to work, not driving with my right hand because it was sprained, and somebody pulled out right in front of me. Slammed into them, totaled the car, and broke my radius on my left arm, bruised some ribs. In about three and half weeks I’ll be out of a cast, and I’ll have this thin, pale withered arm. AF: So, when do the doctors say you can play again? BP: I’ll have to do physical therapy, squeezing tennis balls and stuff, but I can basically play till it hurts and stop. So, I’ll see how long I can last, and that’s going to build it up more than anything. I tend to play hard, so I’m going to have to take it easy, but, yeah, I’m thinking three and half, four weeks. AF: So, you have not had the chance to play live with Todd Walker yet, then? JR: No, we’re working with him now. AF: Then it’s expected that he’ll be part of the release show? JR: Oh yeah, definitely. JC: Something we realized, listening to the new record, was that it would be nice to have someone else on guitar, because Jeff plays rhythm and lead parts on it, so if nothing else, just to play live to duplicate those parts and little lead things that come in. So, luckily, the guy who made the most absolute sense and was available was Todd Walker. Jeff knows Todd real well, we all know Todd. AF: Who played in Defenestration, and we mentioned earlier, The Golden Eggs. JR: Right. JC: So, we’ve been working him in. He is just a great guitar player, and his musical tastes are very similar to ours, so it’s been a very smooth transition. JR: And he’s a lot better than me.
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©2006-2008 NONCO Media, L.L.C.